Storm-Damaged Trees: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Recovery
When a storm hits, trees are often among the first casualties. If you find yourself facing a damaged tree after severe weather, don't panic. Follow this guide to assess the situation before you take action:
Prioritise Safety
• Stay away from downed power lines or trees in contact with them
• Don't approach damaged trees during the storm
• Wait until the weather clears before assessing damageAssess the Damage
• Minor damage: Small branches down, minimal leaf loss
• Moderate damage: Several large branches down, partial bark loss
• Severe damage: Major limbs broken, bark stripped, trunk split
• Critical damage: Tree uprooted or majority of crown damagedImmediate Actions
• Clear any fallen branches from walkways, driveways, and roads
• If a tree is leaning on a structure, evacuate the building and call professionals immediately
• Take photos for insurance purposesWhen to Call a Professional
Always call a certified arborist or tree surgeon for:Damage involving large branches
Any work requiring a ladder or chainsaw
Trees near power lines
Uprooted or leaning trees
DIY Care for Minor Damage
• Clean up small fallen branches
• Prune small broken branches at the point where they join a larger branch
• Avoid over-pruning – remove only what's necessaryResist Over-Pruning
• Don't remove more than 25% of the tree's branches
• Avoid "topping" the tree (cutting main branches back to stubs)Watch for Hidden Damage
• Look for cracks in the trunk or major limbs
• Check for hanging branches that could fall later
• Inspect the root area for signs of lifting or exposed rootsLong-term Care
• Water the tree if the soil is dry, especially after root damage
• Apply a layer of mulch around the base to retain moisture
• Avoid fertilising immediately after storm damageMonitor Recovery
• Watch for signs of new growth in the growing season
• Look out for delayed symptoms of damage like leaf discolouration or branch diebackWhen to Consider Removal
• The tree is leaning severely
• More than 50% of the tree is damaged
• The main trunk is split or severely damaged
• The tree was already unhealthy before the stormPreventative Measures for Future Storms
• Regular pruning to remove weak or dead branches
• Cable or brace weak branch unions in valuable trees
• Consider wind-resistant species for future plantingsInsurance Considerations
• Check your home insurance policy for coverage of tree damage
• Document all damage with photos and keep receipts for any work done
We know the the loss or damage of a treasured tree can be distressing, but acting hastily or panicking can lead to unnecessary removal or further damage. Many trees have a really remarkable ability to recover from storm damage with proper care.
If you're unsure about the extent of the damage or the best course of action, don't hesitate to get in touch through our contact form, or give us a ring (number on our contact page) if it’s urgent. We’ll provide expert assessment and advice tailored to your specific situation.
In the aftermath of a storm, your priority should always be safety – for yourself, your property, and the tree itself. With careful assessment and appropriate action, you can often save storm-damaged trees and preserve the beauty and value they bring to your home.
Contact us for prompt, professional care to help your trees recover and thrive after storm damage.